As a kid, all I wanted to do was fly. The Air Force was gonna be my life.  My dad served in Korea, and is very proad of being a veteran of the US Army, Greenbare,, Special Forces, Airborne Unit.  Of course, that was before I was borne.  After his 2 terms there, he came home, met and married my Mom. Anyway, back to the military.  When Dan and I were kids... my Father was in the Navel Reserve.  I actually toured a Submarine when I as ... I don't know.... 6 yrs old.!?  Anyway... way too small, and toooo much water!!  No Navy for me!  But then my Dad joined the Maryland National Guard.  He was Airborne, and I have old Super8 movies of me gathering his shoot after he'd jumped out of a chopper..... pretty cool when you're 9 years old!  Every kid thinks his Dad is a hero... but my hero jumped out of Helicopters... and that .. noboday could top!  That is until we discovered a picture of my Dad in an old Funk & Wagnalls Standard Reference Encyclopedia under "ARTILLERY".  He doesn't really remember the photo being taken, but there he is,.. holding a bozooka behind a stone wall.  (That picture is coming!)

I'm getting off the subject.

8th Grade


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